Don’t miss out on the biggest event of the year! Join the International Roundtable in Nashville September 8-12, 2014.

The convergence of Alliance Day, International Roundtable and Comfortech 2014 is the absolute best way to get face-to-face contact with a wide range of residential contractors, industry experts, manufacturers and distributors. The interaction that takes place in meetings, on the tradeshow floor and at social events will put you in touch with the best and brightest in the industry. The knowledge you take away will enable you to make the best choices for your future success.

This year’s event brings together amazing speakers, exclusive social events and cream of the crop Preferred Partners like never before! PLUS, Service Roundtable members who register for Comfortech 2014 through the Service Roundtable site receive:

  • The lowest price available anywhere
  • Access to all Comfortech Seminars, Product Showcase and Parties
  • Member’s only access to private Service Roundtable Sessions and Showcase Party.

Not a Service Roundtable member? Call our Success Consultants at 877-262-3341 to get started today. Read on for more information...

Schedule Overview

Monday, Sept 8th

8:30 am - 9:00 am Breakfast (exclusively for Alliance Members)
9:00 am - 5:00 pm Service Nation Alliance Day (exclusively for Alliance Members)
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Dinner at the Country Music Hall of Fame Sponsored by Lennox

Tuesday, Sept 9th

7:00 am - 8:00 am Breakfast
8:00 am – 11:45 am International Roundtable (All Members)
1:00 pm - 7:15 pm Comfortech Conference
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Comfortech Welcome Reception
9:00 pm – 11:00 pm "Play to Win" Member Party
Renaissance Nashville Hotel

Wednesday, Sept 10th

8:30 am - 6:45 pm Comfortech Conference and Trade Show
8:00 pm - 11 pm Comfortech Extravaganza @Honky tonk Central

Thursday, Sept 11th

8:15 am - 6:00 pm Comfortech Conference and Trade Show

Friday, Sept 12th

9:00 am - 12:00 pm How to Grow by Acquisition




Monday, Sept 8


Service Nation Alliance Power Keynote: Power of Teamwork featuring Kix Brooks

Learn from one of the most successful country music entertainers of all time whose drive to the pinnacle of success was not exactly a straight road. From working on an Alaskan pipeline to writing radio copy in Maine to performing country music all over the world, Kix Brooks has learned, first-hand, the value of good partnerships. Hear how “teams” influenced and supported his success in this collection of professions ranging from songwriter, performer, and radio host to vineyard partner.

10:00am – 11:00am

Service Nation Alliance Keynote: Characteristics of Successful Entrepreneurs

In today’s economic environment innovation is far too important to be left to chance; so how should we manage it? Dr. David A. Owens - Professor for the Practice of Management and Innovation at Vanderbilt University reveals a systematic view into the art and science of generating better ideas, assessing them in meaningful ways and making sure that the best ideas get a fair chance to have an impact in the world. Understand innovation to help you better manage, support and lead innovation initiatives in your organization. Open to Service Nation Alliance Members Only. Call (877) 848-3417 for more information.

11:00am – 12:00pm

Service Nation Alliance: Uncover the Latest Innovations for Success

Bob Viering unlocks the latest programs for success available to members only. Open to Service Nation Alliance Members Only. Call (877) 848-3417 for more information.

12:00pm – 1:00pm

Service Nation Alliance: Member Lunch

Open to Service Nation Alliance Members Only. Call (877) 848-3417 for more information.

1:00pm – 5:00pm

Service Nation Alliance Interactive Workshop - Play Full Out featuring Doug Hanson

Today's world is challenging, fast paced, and extremely competitive. To be successful we need a balanced combination of skills, mindset, energy, and connection. The top performers know if you want to stay on top of your game, you have to regularly invest some time into yourself. That's what this event is all about. After all, what good is success if it isn’t sustainable? The time will absolutely fly by as Doug shares his humor, stories, and distinctions for Success and Significance. Open to Service Nation Alliance Members Only. Call (877) 848-3417 for more information.


Tuesday, Sept 9

9:00am – 10:00am

Service Roundtable Keynote: COSTLY DISTRACTIONS: Finding Focus in a World at War for Your Attention featuring Curt Steinhorst.

ADD isn’t just for kids…in a world overflowing with technology, your mental bandwidth can only take so much. Learn to leverage the way your brain is wired so you can turn distraction into functional action. Featuring “Distraction Expert” and author of Johnny Manziel’s Heisman Trophy acceptance speech, Curt Steinhorst. Open to Service Roundtable Members only. Call (877) 848-3417 to join.

10:00am – 11:00am

Service Roundtable Consultant Roundtable: Instant Answers

Kenny Chapman, Joe Cunningham, John and Vicki LaPlant, Jim Hinshaw, Dale Mincks, Mark Matteson, Ed O’Connell and Dr. Kerry Webb offer members on the spot answers and solutions for problems in their business. Open to Service Roundtable Members only. Call (877) 848-3417 to join.

11:00am – 11:45am

30 Ways to Make More Money featuring Ruth King

Nationally recognized HVAC Industry consultant and Profitability Master, Ruth King, focuses on simple to implement ideas and tactics that HVAC contractors can use to improve their bottom line. Operations, financial, sales, and marketing actions will be revealed during this fast paced hour.


Tuesday, Sept 9

1:00pm – 2:30pm

Leadership Secrets for Contractors featuring Dr. Kerry Webb

Leadership expert and Service Roundtable Business Coach, Dr. Kerry Webb, will share how you can boost your company’s profitability through simple techniques and actions that will affect your company’s culture and performance. Dr. Webb will share how the latest leadership research is being applied in today’s cutting edge contracting companies. Open to Service Roundtable Members only. Call (877) 848-3417 to join.

Marketing for Plumbers featuring Bob Viering

What’s most important when it comes to marketing for your local plumbing company? Is it your brand? Is it your strategy? Is it your tactics? Here’s a clue; it’s none of the above. Attend this session to learn what the best marketers do to produce the greatest results. This session will help you develop a marketing program designed to attract new customers, increase your average ticket, and generate more repeat business. With over 20 years of experience in advertising and marketing for the trades, Bob Viering will show you how to get the most for your marketing dollar.

2:45pm – 4:15pm

Increase Sales without Increasing Headcount

Are your people leaving money on the customer’s kitchen table? Sales superstar, Joe Cunningham, will show you how a single sheet of paper, integrated into a simple business process will change your company, boost your sales, and increase your bottom line. Open to Service Roundtable Members only. Call (877) 848-3417 to join.

7 Habits of Highly Effective Contractors featuring Matt Michel

Why does one contractor prosper while another in the same community struggles? It’s the same market, same target demographic, same products, and same opportunity. Yet, one contractor outperforms another. Inevitably, the more successful contractor is a better practitioner of a few key habits, which anyone can learn and implement. Service Roundtable CEO, Matt Michel, teaches you how to be more effective in your profession.

4:30pm – 6:00pm

Generate a Million Dollars Every Mile featuring Steve Miles, Room 208

Is it possible to build a $10 million HVAC company focused on a ten mile radius of the office? Yes! Suburban based Jerry Kelly Heating & Air Conditioning has not only done it, they’ve done more than a million dollars per radius mile. Jerry Kelly’s growth is not the result of specialty contracting. It’s the opposite. It’s from an intense focus on those activities that will generate the maximum results from minimal effort. That doesn’t make it easy, but it does make it repeatable. With the proper application of time-proven principles of contracting, any contractor can generate a million dollars every mile. Come listen to the Service Nation North American Contractor of the Year, Steve Miles share these principles with you.

Making Money in Drain Cleaning

There’s money to be made by going down the drains. Matt Smith, one of the top plumbing industry trainers will teach you how to start and grow a highly profitable drain cleaning department. Throw away all of your preconceived ideas about drain cleaning. This is a different business from plumbing repairs and requires unique approaches in marketing, recruiting, compensation, training, and motivation. Learn how to do it right and do it profitably. Open to Service Roundtable Members only. Call (877) 848-3417 to join.

Wednesday, Sept 10

8:15am – 9:30am

Understanding and Exploiting the New Water Heater Regulations featuring Jeff Storie, A.O. Smith

Sweeping changes in the water heater regulations come into play during the spring of 2015. These will fundamental transform the water heater industry. Learn what’s coming, how to avoid the pitfalls, and how to turn the regulations into an opportunity to dramatically grow your business and build a sustainable customer base. Open to Service Roundtable Members only. Call (877) 848-3417 to join.

4:15pm – 5:15pm

Industry Leadership Symposium

Innovation and Opportunities Session/Success by Design featuring David Heimer

Motivational speaker Jim Rohn said, “If you don't design your own life plan, chances are you'll fall into someone else's plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”

In Success by Design, you will learn how to prepare a plan for your life as well as a plan for your business. Most people conform their lives into what’s left over from their business. Instead, plan the life you want and build a business that will deliver it. All attendees are welcome.

Thursday, Sept 11

8:15am – 9:45am

Listening to the Numbers

Did you know your income statement and balance sheet are talking to you? It’s a language unfamiliar to many contractors, but Service Nation Alliance Business Coach and industry expert, John LaPlant, will show you how to translate your financial statements into actions that help you grow faster and sleep better at night. Open to Service Roundtable Members only. Call (877) 848-3417 to join.

Relentless Recruiting: Find, Hire, & Keep the Best Co-Workers featuring David Heimer

You can’t grow your business if you can’t find, hire, and keep the best people. Why is it that some companies can’t find qualified personnel while other companies always have a flood of applicants and get to pick and choose? Why are some companies always fighting turnover battles while other companies routinely keep their best employees for 20 to 30 years? Heimer will show how to build a recruiting pipeline, attract the kind of employees you want, and keep them for years. He will share real life positive and negative experiences from service business owners, and the lessons learned. You CAN find and keep the co-workers you want; you just need to learn how. All attendees are welcome.

4:15pm – 6:00pm

Closing Keynote: Creating a Bright Future featuring Kenny Chapman

Open to all contractors, this special Service Roundtable event features extraordinary trainer and acclaimed public speaker, Kenny Chapman. Discover what it takes to live a truly happy, prosperous life from a highly successful plumbing/HVAC business owner whose quest for the most effective methods led him to develop simple strategies that allow him to run his business remotely as he travels the world sharing his methods and living his dream.

Friday, Sept 12 Service Roundtable Extra

9:00am – 12:00pm

Growing Your Business through Reduced Risk Acquisition featuring Brandon Jacob

With the cost of reaching new customers increasing and historical advertising methods becoming less and less effective, a proven strategy to quickly obtain new customers is through the purchase of one or more businesses. The timing is perfect because 76 million baby boomers are migrating towards retirement and many of these soon to be retired baby boomers own and operate contracting businesses.

All the way from micro businesses to larger area competitors, these aging owners are looking for a way out. Learn how to rapidly build your existing customer base by acquiring one or more existing businesses and how to capitalize on the seller’s lack of preparedness. Acquisition types range from a simple customer database and telephone number to larger going concern opportunities. Brandon Jacob will cover off on purchasing a wide range of the possible businesses that you might acquire as well as how to structure the purchase. Equally as critical, techniques on prospecting and finding the right candidate, pricing (valuing) and negotiating with a target business will be fully explained.

In the past, there has been much said about selling contracting businesses and now finally, you will have the secrets, tips and tricks of purchasing a business explained by Brandon and offered in a methodical and simple to understand manner. If you have ever thought about growing your contracting business through reduced risk acquisitions, but were unsure on how to begin, this seminar is for you!

9:00am and 12:00pm

Bus Departs 8:30am and 11:30am

A.O. Smith Factory Tour

For more than a century, A. O. Smith has been an innovative leader in the manufacturing industry, earning the respect of the plumbing community by achieving excellence in the manufacturing of water heaters. They are dedicated to achieving the highest quality standard for products built by people who are proud to represent them. You are invited to an exclusive Service Roundtable tour of their world-class manufacturing facility in Ashland City outside of Nashville. A short bus ride from the hotel, this tour is open to all Roundtable members, but space is limited! Please register at

Please note that closed-toed shoes are required in the factory.


Aliance Day Speakers

Kix Brooks

From the Music duo Brooks and Dunn

Dr. David A. Owens

Professor for the Practice of Management and Innovation

Doug Hanson - Keynote

Doug Hanson Performance Group

International Roundtable Speakers

Curt Steinhorst - Keynote

Distraction Expert

Ruth King

President of HVAC Channel TV

Exclusive Service Roundtable track speakers

Dr. Kerry Webb

Service Nation Alliance Mentor
and Business Coach

Matt Smith

Rooter Elite Master Trainer

Joe Cunningham

President at Successtrack Network

John LaPlant

Service Nation Alliance Mentor
and Business Coach

Brandon Jacob

Business Valuation Expert

Steve Miles

Service Nation Alliance Mentor and Business Coach

Comfortech Track Speakers (open to all Attendees)

Kenny Chapman

Owner/Speaker/Trainer/Coach of The Blue Collar Success Group

Matt Michel

CEO of Service Roundtable

Alana Ward

President of Baggett Heating
and Cooling, Inc.

David Heimer

COO of Service Roundtable

Ed O'Connell

Consultant at O'Connell Plumbing, Inc.

Bob Viering

VP of Programs at Service Roundtable



Our meetings are exclusively for our members. To become a member of the Service Roundtable or the Service Nation Alliance, please call 877-262-3342.

ALLIANCE MEMBERS – Special Pricing!

ALLIANCE MEMBERS special pricing! Alliance Day + Comfortech + Fall Roundtable: $285

  • Alliance Day
  • Dinner at the Country Music Hall of Fame
  • International Roundtable
  • Service Roundtable "Play to Win" Member Party
  • Service Roundtable Seminar Track
  • Comfortech: Seminars / Product Showcase / Social Activities


Comfortech + Fall Roundtable: $384

  • Dinner at the Country Music Hall of Fame
  • International Roundtable
  • Service Roundtable "Play to Win" Member Party
  • Service Roundtable Seminar Track
  • Comfortech: Seminars / Product Showcase / Social Activities

Comfortech: $285

  • Comfortech: Seminars / Product Showcase / Social Activities

Fall Roundtable: $99

  • Dinner at the Country Music Hall of Fame
  • International Roundtable
  • Service Roundtable "Play to Win" Member Party

Comfortech Social Registration: $150

  • Dinner at the Country Music Hall of Fame
  • Service Roundtable "Play to Win" Member Party
  • Comfortech Evening Social Activities" Member Party

Registration Policy

A conference registration may not be shared by two (or more) individuals.

Cancellation Policy

If written notice is received by August 14, 2014 the registration fee will be refunded less a $75 processing fee. After August 14, 2014 cancellations are non-refundable. Approved refunds will be processed post event. Refunds will not be issued for no-show registrants. Please note the program is subject to change at any time and neither Penton or Service Nation Inc. will be liable for any ancillary or related costs, including, but not limited to hotel and airline charges or cancellation fees due to weather or other conditions or circumstances beyond our control.



Nashville Convention Center / Renaissance Nashville Hotel

The Nashville Convention Center is conveniently located in the heart of downtown Music City, only eight miles from the airport and at the crossroads of I-65, I-24 and I-40. The Center is attached to the Renaissance Nashville Hotel and to the 20,000-seat Bridgestone Arena. Its downtown location provides easy access to restaurants, attractions and, of course, live music.

Renaissance Nashville Hotel
611 Commerce St, Nashville, TN 37203 615-255-8400

Additional Hotel Options:

Courtyard By Marriott Nashville Downtown
4th Ave N Nashville TN 1-855-201-7819 .22 miles

Sheraton Nashville Downtown Hotel
623 Union St, Nashville, TN 1-855-201-7819 0.23 miles

Hilton Nashville Downtown
4th Ave S, Nashville, TN 1-855-201-7819 0.23 miles

Best Western Downtown Convention Center
711 Union Street, Nashville, TN 37219 1-855-201-7819 0.23 miles

Holiday Inn Express Nashville-Downtown
920 Broadway, Nashville, TN 37203 1-855-201-7819 0.23 miles

DoubleTree by Hilton Nashville Downtown
4th Avenue N, Nashville, TN 1-855-201-7819n 0.31 miles

Hotel Indigo Nashville
301 Union Street, Nashville, TN 37201 1-855-201-7819 0.34 miles

Hampton Inn & Suites Nashville Downtown
4th Avenue South, Nashville, TN 1-855-201-7819 0.37 miles

Hyatt Place Nashville Downtown
3rd Ave S, Nashville, TN 1-855-201-7819 0.38 miles

Member Party

The Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum identifies and preserves the evolving history and traditions of country music and educates its audiences. Functioning as a local history museum and as an international arts organization, the CMF, located at 222 Fifth Avenue South in Nashville, serves visiting and non-visiting audiences including fans, students, scholars, members of the music industry, and the general public.


We work with the greatest companies in the world. Interested in sponsoring the International Roundtable? We have different levels of sponsorship available for events, refreshments, and more—but these opportunities fill up fast.

For more on Sponsoring with The International Roundtable please email Liz Patrick .

The International Roundtable would like to recognize and thank our Sponsors for their generous support of the Roundtable events and programs. Click on a logo to be connected to a sponsor's website.

Event Sponsors

Review Buzz
Comprehensive Employment Solution, LLC

T-Shirt Sponsors

Minuteman Press-Des Peres
Stochastic Marketing
Ultimate Technical Academy
To Your Success
Online Access
Tec Daddy
Call Source
The New Flat Rate
Mansfield Plumbing Products
Callahan Roach Business Solutions
Arzel Zoning
Dynamic Air Quality Solutions
Power Selling Pros
Jackson Systems
Halo Water Systems
White Rodgers
Sunbelt Rentals
Diversified Pure Chem
Home Improvement Leads
Joseph Groh Foundation

Contact Information

Contact our Success Consultants at 877-262-3341 for assistance with registration or questions about the conference.